5 Signs of car electrical issues
Author: ETP Engine Parts Date Posted:4 March 2020
Modern Car Electrical Systems
Modern cars are reliant on large and oftern very complex electrical systems. It's most likely the car you have right now is highly dependent on a series of wires and fibre optics around it's chassis.
The primary components of your cars electrical system are the electronical control unit, the alternator and the battery. If any of those components become faulty in some way, you will start to see a variety of issues show up.
Despite their complexity, it's usually simple enough to dianose whether you're having electrical problems. Finding exactly what the problem is, is another level. Here follows a few things that you can use to work out whether your car is having electrical issues or not.
Car Stereo doesn't work
If at any time you notice that your stereo, GPS or associated screens inside your car start to behave strangely, it may be a problem with the broader electrical system. Firstly it's necessary to test the unit itself as there could be a fault there, but given the expense of such replacements, it's worthwhile checking your cars electrical system first. It could just be a blown fuse.
Head and/or Tail Lights start to not work properly
If at any point in time you see your head lights or your tail lights start to function poorly or strangely, it's a hint that your electrical system may be at fault. Perhaps they're dim, or they won't turn on completely, maybe they flash at a strange rate. Any of these symptoms suggest that your car is having problems with electrical power. It's usually the battery.
If you find that one is not working but the others are fine, it may just be the bulb, so replace that. Once you've replaced the bulb, if it still doesn't work then you should get a trained mechanic to test your cars electrical system.
Battery Cables & Terminals Oxidised
When visually inspecting your battery terminals or battery cables, you will see a white or white-bluish chalky substance on or around the terminal/cable. This is oxidisation. It typically occurs due to a chemical reaction, typically in part due to the chemicals in the battery and also in part to the amount of current that flows through those parts.
It is often possible to clean this oxidisation off and apply a chemical solution to protect the cables. Before doing this, it's important to check for permanent damage to the cables prior to reusing them.
Burnt Plastic Smell
This is a really big issue. If you ever smell burning plastic inside your car, you should immediately stop the vehicle, get out and carefully inspect it. Burning plastic smell occurs when a wire in your cars electrical system overheats. That overheating generally is caused by too much current going through a wire, which is most commonly caused by a short.
If the smell continues, it's vital to take your car to a service center immediately.
Engine simply won't start
The really obvious symptom of a failed electrical system, is the car not starting. If your car does not start, that is almost always, in every case due to the battery having insufficient power or the power not getting to the engine correctly.
In some cases an engine will turn over and not start, in that case it may not be an electrical system issue, but if the engine fails to start or makes noises whilst turning over then it's mostly likely your electrical system.
If any of these occur, it's important to take your car to a mechanic as soon as possible.